125 White Sage - Delta, Utah (435) 864-3312
We will be closed: Thursday before Easter, DHS Graduation evening, the week of July 4th and 24th, Thursday evening of the county fair, week of Thanksgiving, last two weeks of December

Family History Consultants: Resource Guide


How Can I Fulfill My Calling
As a FamilyHistory Consultant?

Your fundamental duty as a consultant is to work individually with members to help them identify ancestors and provide temple ordinances for them. Reach out to members of your ward a few individuals or families at a time to help them become involved in family history.
You should particularly focus on those identified by the ward council or priesthood executive committee. As you regularly work with individuals and families in your ward you can, over time, have the opportunity to work with all ward members. Through your efforts you can help every member in your ward feel the blessings of family history work in their lives.
Introduce new members of the Church to the principles of temple and family history work. Help them identify ancestors and provide temple ordinances for them. Where possible, help them go to the temple to be baptized for their ancestors. New members who have a temple experience have the opportunity to be reminded of their own baptism and feel the Spirit. It also helps them to begin a pattern of temple attendance in preparation to receiving the blessings of temple covenants in their own lives. This experience can bring great strength to these new members.
You can help those who are participating in the temple preparation class. As they are learning about temple blessings for their own lives they can also see how their service in the temple can benefit their ancestors.

The Family History Consultant’s Guide
to Temple and Family History Work

This new Consultant’s Guide instructs family history consultants about their responsibilities, how to help members do family history work, and additional resources that can help consultants fulfill their calling. At this time, the new Guide is only available for download as a .pdf document. To view the document, you will need the Adobe Reader. In the future, it will also be available as a printed resource.
Please do not contact Distribution Services to try and order a printed copy of the guide at this time. You will be informed when the guide is available as a printed resource. http://www.lds.org/pa/display/0,17884,8562-1,00.html

Register to Access Training

The Family and Church History Department provides online training and resources to help family history consultants. The training lessons teach consultants their responsibilities and how to use Church family history resources. To access the training and resources all consultants are encouraged to register at consultant.familysearch.org.
Family history consultants are the key to successful family history programs.
Consultants have three principal responsibilities. Consultants:
• Reach out to members to help them individually with their family history. Over time, all members of the ward or branch will have the opportunity to receive family history help.
• Focus on helping those individuals and families suggested by the priesthood executive committee and ward council.
• Meet with new members of the Church to help them identify deceased ancestors and go to the temple to be baptized and confirmed for their ancestors.
Consultants might also be assigned to serve in a family history center, teach family history classes, and provide family history training.
Click here for LDS family history consultants training and resourceshttp://www.lds.org/pa/display/0,17884,7312-1,00.html

Source:  http://www.easyfamilyhistory.com/lds-center/family-history-consultants