UPDATED INFORMATION BY LAUREL ELIASON 6-23-2013: (previous information below the double line)
Basic Steps to Family Tree
1. Get your membership number (it’s on your recommend)
2. Connect to the internet
5. From the home page of FamilySearch click Sign in (upper right corner of the page)
6. Click the Create an Account button or just sign in if you have an account and skip down to #11.
7. Complete each field on the Tell Us a Little About Yourself page. Enter your first and last name, then enter your user name ______________________ and password ______________________(write them in blanks so you don’t forget them). To successfully register for a FamilySearch Account, you must provide a valid email address where you can receive an email that activates your account. Note: if you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, click Yes in that field, and then enter your 11 character Membership Record Number. (notice when you click yes a new box appears)
8. After all your information about yourself is filled out, at the bottom of the form, read the Rights and Use Information policy, and click in the box to indicate that you agree to the terms of Use.
9. Click Create an Account.
10. A verification email will be sent to the e-mail address entered on the form. Open the email, and click on the Activate Account. Must be activated within 48 hours, or the registration is voided, and you must start the process over.
11. You are now registered. Now each time you go to familysearch.org all you have to do is go to sign in and give your user name and password. Then click on Family Tree and have some fun.
12. This account to sign in is the same for everything in all the church’s website.
In the address bar at the top of the internet browsing screen type: www.lds.org. It will take you to the official front page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The picture may be different, so don't let that alarm you. The main layout should be the same or at least similar.
Notice across the very top of the screen there are about four buttons. Select the button "Sign In" by clicking on it once. It will take you to the "Sign In" Screen.

However, if you have never set up an account you may do so from here as well. The bottom line, in blue, on the right hand side, is a link that will take you to the next screen. Simply click on this link.
Type your membership number in the first box. You can find this number on your tithing statements from the previous years, your temple recommend or the ward clerk can provide it for you. Next you will need to select your correct birth day, month and year. Following your birth information is a box with an image. Type what you see in the box below the image as you see it. If you are unable to read it you may ask for a different image by clicking the "New Image" box. Once all of the information is entered proceed to "Next Step". If the information is incorrect, you will be given another chance to enter it correctly.
Type your membership number in the first box. You can find this number on your tithing statements from the previous years, your temple recommend or the ward clerk can provide it for you. Next you will need to select your correct birth day, month and year. Following your birth information is a box with an image. Type what you see in the box below the image as you see it. If you are unable to read it you may ask for a different image by clicking the "New Image" box. Once all of the information is entered proceed to "Next Step". If the information is incorrect, you will be given another chance to enter it correctly.

The next screen will require that you give more information. An email account is required to help you obtain your username and password if you ever forget it. If you do not have an email you may easily sign up for one at many of the free email sites such as gmail.com, yahoo.com, etc. At the bottom of these screen, not in the clipping seen at the right however, is a box that you must check to continue creating your account. Once you have read the "Rights and Use Information" you may click on this box, creating a checkmark, and then may continue by clicking on the box "Create my LDS Account".
You will then be directed to go to your email account and follow the links provided, proving that the email account you entered is indeed associated with you. You will then be able to access the various LDS sites.