These are step by step instructions for a training class. They may be followed, but there is not set rule on how to go about doing YOUR family history. Just jump in and do something!
- Go to:
- Log in with your username and password. If you don't have an LDS account set one up. [instructions here]. [Step by Step: Intro to Family Tree]
- Analyze your tree: quickly look at the info provided. Make a note of any errors to be researched, on a research log. Learn navigation.
- Links: Are the links provided correct? Are there links you can add?
- Adding living people should be added DOWN instead up UP. "Find" deceased grandparents and then add the living child to their family. Once your living parent is added you can then make a family unit and add yourself by FT# (Family Tree ID #). (Glitch in the beta version tends to add multiple marriages.) With deceased it seems to work just fine to add a parent by searching and selecting.
- Adding children: add deceased children immediately. Others are your preference.
- Learn about sourcing: This is a huge part of FT. All corrections/changes/deletions/additions should have a source. Be sure and record EVERY location you search in a research log so you won't repeat work.
- Historical records: on the right hand side select "search records" [Historical Records exercise]
- Documents in your possession: Scan or take a photo of your document. Once it is in digital format, you can add by clicking on photos for that person
- Sources may be tagged to life events showing where that information came from.
- Add interest: Search for more records/life events for individuals and add them to "Other Information". This is another layer of proof, but also helps researchers find lost family members.
- Create or add sources to all individuals involved in the record, then the record can be removed from your "source box".
- Edit individual information by making changes or additions.
- Edit relationships as needed.
- Check for ordinance work after duplicates have been merged and errors have been fixed.
- Add stories or histories to individuals: A favorite feature of most, add histories to your ancestors to share with others. Add a short memory as well. All will be priceless to other family members too.
- Search for new information or ancestors. Add new people to your branch of the tree only as you add sources and check carefully. Information does not have to match exactly to be the right person, but close information does not mean they are the same. Check, analyze and use reason and inspiration to make the new links.
- Watch and Fix: Click the "Watch" star of ancestors you have worked with. Each week you will be notified by email of changes made. If something has been done incorrectly you can "restore" by checking the history on the right hand side.