The following are the classes for rest of the 2016 calendar year
Wedneday - September 7 Photo Identification
Wednesday - Oct 5 Personal Histories (What would your grandchildren want to know)
Wednesday - Nov 2 Putting Flesh on the Bones
Wednesday - Dec 7 Military Records
Tip of the Week: Most of us do not like to move, but some moves are so beneficial and necessary that they have to happen.
This is true with our ancestors. When you find ancestors in the wrong place (wrong marriage, wrong parents, wrong children), you need to have the courage to move them. The following are a few tips on how to make the move:
1. Pray for help.
2. Analyze the problem. Figure out where they actually do belong. Find and document your sources and reasoning, and add to your ancestors’ detail page in “notes” or “add a source”.
3. Move them to the right place.
This sounds simplistic, but it works, and your ancestors will rejoice that they are where they belong. Once there, let FamilySearch start looking for substantiating “record hints” that you probably did not have before. Go to k/salesforce/viewArticle?id=kA 230000000ZJw7CAG&lang=en for directions on how to do this.